Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Excerpt from the novel "The Sound Of Silence" by Philip Haggard Berry

Silence and Calm

(The Angel Of Death)

Statue: Artist and Date not currently unknown.

Excerpt from the incomplete novel: 

"The Sound Of Silence" 

by Philip Haggard Berry.

From The Book Of Mathias Payne

Also named Dumah

Also named "the angel of the silence of death."

And after a short while, navigating through the central tower of Dis, the capitol city of Hell, in the underworld of Hades, The Prince Of Darkness said;

"Christianity is upside down.'

"It is the great deceiver.'

"Heaven is the place where the soul is burnt. And in its pure form, stripped of all individuality, is then consumed by that great tyrant, the massive ever growing, rotating ball, named Yahweh, fueled by the destruction of human souls.'

"Christ is Anti-Christ. Leading the 'saved,' into incineration. The complete and total destruction of your self, your soul.'

Then he continued;

"And on the contrary'

"Hades is where the soul remains it's self, it's individuality continues. Not burned or destroyed by the "angels" in heaven. Instead preserved by the Prince of Shades, the Prince of Darkness. He welcomes you into his kingdom. Death's Dream Kingdom.'

"You are your 'self.'

"Your 'self' is your 'soul.' 

"There Is no division. There is no separation between self, "who you are," and soul, the same, "who you are."

"Hades is one step back from earth. And being so, it is dimmer. More shade. The land of Shades. Less detail. But what minor price is this to become immortal. To remain who you are for eternity without death, aging, pain, hunger, disease, or want of shelter. . .'

"The "Prince of Darkness" is actually "The Prince of Peace." Your true savior, your one true god.' 

"The names 'Satan', 'The Devil', 'Lucifer'. . . all mean nothing here, just more Christian propaganda."

"Embrace the shadow god, sometimes called Mal'akh. Embrace Hades, embrace The Prince Of Darkness, and live forever, free from strife.'

"'You'. . . You will always be 'you.'

From "The Sound of Silence" (incomplete novel) 
U.C.O. Creative Writing M.A. program (incomplete degree). 1996.

"You are the third son of a holy man. You are royalty here, a Duke. One day you may inherit the throne of Hell."

From a Dream about Hell, Thanksgiving Eve, 1987

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