Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Early Sketches Upon Dualism by Philip Haggard Berry

Early Sketches Upon Dualism

No YHWH versus Satan, no Prince of Peace verses the Prince of Darkness

The "Triad," the three main dimensions, as well as the three systems of "self" (aka the "soul"). 
This human "soul" is not equal with the dualistic "gods" thus there is no "Triadism"
This human World aka Dimension is not equal with the Light and the Dark worlds / Dimensions.
(Although the possibility of a third religious dimension exists with the idea of "Purgatory" aka "Limbo.")

The "third" self in religious duality is the human self/soul.

Dualism simply means: two different things, ideas, phenomena. 
And only two "different" Gods "only" in the sense that they "differ" from one another, not that they are opposed, or Good versus Evil.
Dualism in the religious sense does not necessarily mean Good versus Evil. 
It does not necessarily mean there is a Good God and an Evil God.
Dualsim in the religious sense simply means there are two Gods: one associated with Light, the other associated with Dark. There is nothing inherently "good" in the light, and there is nothing inherently "evil" in the dark.

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