Monday, February 26, 2024

I'm becoming an old man. I'm also rapidly turning into Ming the Merciless

My mental age stalled out around 18, so that's how I feel in general.
Unfortunately, when I look in the mirror, I see an Old Man staring back at me. I wonder if eradicating the bags under my eyes might reduce that effect. 

Either way I seem to look more and more like Max Von Sydow every day; see his ultimate role as "Ming the Merciless" in the 1980 version of "Flash Gordon." 
[one of my all-time favorite movies]

It may take 3 clicks to get the video to play. You also may have to click the "unmute" button on the video screen to hear sound. But it will eventually begin.
My apologies for this irritation.

"Flash Gordon" (1980) 
New Trailer for 4K Version

A campy tour de force Sci-Fi film with stunning visuals and top notch acting of all involved (even Sam J. Jone's flawless "dumb football jock" works in the fabrick of the film.)

(then check out "The Flash Gordon" music video by Queen, who also contributed some brilliant music (with synths!) to the film (The Space Capsule, and its variation The Love Theme is/are one of my favorite pieces of soundtrack music I have ever heard.
You can very easily find the Queen "Flash Gordon" video on YouTube


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