Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Big Bunch Of Random Music, Lyrics, Movies, Quotes, etc.


Big Bunch Of Random Music, Lyrics, Movies, Quotes, etc. 

"Explosions in my head. I'm laughin' 'bout dyin' but there's nothin' else to do. Face it; The worlds goin' down. . . and it's not that bad."

                                                                                           Hilt : "The Worlds Going Down"

"manifestations of a sort ~ so insidious off the point ~ Simple solution, never confusion ~ sport a gun ~ kill a cop ~ crazy world of weary thought ~ so receive me had enough ~ lock me up ~ lock me up!

Rot and assimilate. 
Hot to annihilate."
Skinny 'Puppy Assimilate"

"The transformation is invested, 
With the mysterious and the shameful.
While the thing I am becomes something else, 
Part character part sensation."
Bauhaus "Mask" 

Ink artwork of the character "Button Face" by Clive Barker from his novella "Cabal" (and his film "Nightbreed")

"Everything is true; God's an astronaut. Oz is over the rainbow. And Midian is where the monsters live. . .And you came to die"  -- Peloquin (by Clive Barker)

Image of Peloquin from the film "Nightbreed" a film by Clive Barker based upon his novella "Cabal"

(The oldest versions of the word harlequin — the Middle Dutch hellekijn and the Old French hellequin, reference Hell and mean a kind of demon. In the translation from French to English, the harlequin lost his demonic quality and became a clown.)

Cover for the Tear Garden album "Tired Eyes Slowly Burning" art by Steven R. Gilmore

"We'll pour our jars 
in reservoirs 
and turn the world off 
paint the sky a shade of orange
cause that's how I like sunsets. 

                                                    The Tear Garden "OO - EE --OO"

"Star Wars : A New Hope" pre-production painting by Ralph McQuarrie of  Luke Skywalker facing Darth Vader.

Darth Vader : If you only knew the power of the Dark Side. Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.

Luke : He told me enough! He told me you killed him!

Darth Vader : No. I am your father.

Luke : No. No. That's not true. That's impossible!

Darth Vader : Search your feelings, you know it to be true!

"Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back"

Early sketches for Darth Vader. 
I think this sketch looks a thousand times greater than the final version.

One of my favorite movie characters of all time, Master Yoda, from "The Empire Strikes Back." For some reason when I was a kid (around 1980) I thought his design was cool as hell.

"Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'" 
                                                                               Master Yoda

  Charles Chazen with Jezebel from the film "The Sentinel"

"Friendships often blossom into bliss."
                                                Charles Chazen "The Sentinel"

("Black and white cat, black and white cake!")

My old website "banner" for my personal web page from the mid to late 1990's. That's a pic of my face in red on the far right. Lucifer's fall by Gustav Dore in the center, Dore's angels above that. And the Tear Garden album in the far left top. And some stock images of gears a la Steam Punk. 
Also features a Juno 106 and a TR-808 both of which I used to own and sorely miss (Its okay, I own the TR-8S and you can't tell the bloody difference, side by side, or buried in a mix, dense or otherwise. In the end all this precious analog sound is mixed down digitally and then recorded onto a digital CD or sold in digital .mp3 format.)

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