Sunday, December 1, 2024

The Secret Name

 I am Acardus. Of Tulsi. Under the Tulasi Tree.

Many fell upon the Trail of Tears. On the way to Tulsi. Many a mighty warrior, and many a mother and her children. Some of them I knew.

"Never truck with the white man," they said. And the red rivers showed it true, blood from the earth, and sky.

Energy, Frequency, and Vibration rule the physics of the universe. Macro and Micro. Atomic and Sub Atomic. And in these terms, the three become the two. Duality. Dualism. 

Out of me comes Gabriel.

Out of me comes Raphael.

The Harp.

The Dagger.



Dig... and then Bury.

The Tin Master and the Small

The Fruit and the Pain

Slavery the Bond

(Arnold became a satan. Turned out the coat.)

Graph this chart, and in it youl find both;

The Keys to Heaven,


The Keys to Hell.

White matter. Dark matter.

Both are necessary.

Dualism concrete.

The Trinity of light.

And the Trinity of the darkness.

In the light;

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

In the darkness;

Satan The Father, The Prince of Darkness The Son, and the Great Dragon Leviathan, he who lies in the depths of the Abyss (dead, but dreaming), the Spirit of Darkness.

All hail morning, all hail the setting of the sun

All hail the twilight when the two worlds are one

All hail night, and all hail the dawn.

All in equal parts. The two Trinities as one.

Held FAST by THE ONE. The seventh sign of the seven signs. ATEN. The Prime Motivator. The Prime Mover. Before whom nothing existed. But when he was born, the power from the crack of the egg sent forth energy and matter into Infinity. 

Though Infinity can be described as finite at its edge, after which nothing exists, it is still nearly beyond all human understanding.

All the Gods came from this singularity. They all burst forth his children from the womb.

Blessed be they who kneel before them all or choose one or some as their totem.

The sheep of heaven, also called the Sun.

The hounds of hell, also called Hades.

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