My First Blog concerning random things; from poems and lit, to music bands and artists and videos, films, family relations and video, essays links. . . (The only reason this Blog has a Restriction is due to "adult language" as well as -Non-Real- disturbing and violent movie special effects.)
Friday, December 29, 2023
Monday, December 11, 2023
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Post 3: still trying to get on google search. Philip Berry , Philip H Berry , Philip Haggarad Berry
I was told that for your name and picture to show up on Google Search you have to publish your name and pictures of yourself.
And this program was mentioned.
I pop up if you search for Philip Haggard Berry
But not with Philip Berry
or with Philip H Berry
Also, my YouTube site only comes up if you type in the exact title The Averaud Mechanism (or perhaps the a.k.a. AverMecha )
And yet more, none of my pics show up except with the full Philip Haggard Berry
not with Philip Berry
not with Philip H Berry
Way back in the olden days of the 1990's the big search engine was "Altavista." And all you had to do to be pulled up in their search engine was simply submit your page. Alas, no more. . .
So, I'm publishing this third post as a kind of beacon, whereas the other two were just my stats and favorite things.

(Part 2 of first post:) Philip Berry Philip H Berry Philip Haggard Berry Blog
Roberto Matta (exact info to come)
Can't seem to get my favorite writers and artists to display on my first post. . .
So, here they are:
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Bad Guy v.1 I was told that for your name and picture to show up on Google Search you have to publish your name and pictures of yourself. A...
This article, in its entirety, is the work of the author stated below. I have not added or taken away anything from the webpage it is publis...
From the website: Haggard Hawks From an article by Paul Anthony Jones (Feb 24, 2015 Photographer unknown) Haggard As evidenced below, con...
Akhenaten by Joshua J. Mark published on 17 April 2014 Excerpts from: The World History Encyclopedia Akhenaten (r. 1353-1336 BCE) was...
Early Sketches Upon Dualism No YHWH versus Satan, no Prince of Peace verses the Prince of Darkness The "Triad," the three main dim...
It may take 3 clicks to get the video to play. You also may have to click the "unmute" button on the video screen to hear soun...
It may take 3 clicks to get the video to play. You also may have to click the "unmute" button on the video screen to hear soun...