Thursday, November 16, 2023

(Part 2 of first post:) Philip Berry Philip H Berry Philip Haggard Berry Blog

Roberto Matta (exact info to come)

Can't seem to get my favorite writers and artists to display on my first post. . .

So, here they are:


  • H. P. Lovecraft: ("The Fiction : Complete And Unabridged")
  • Clark Ashton Smith: ("The Collected Fantasies")
  • Steven King: ("Salem's Lot")
  • Clive Barker: ("Cabal" [a.k.a. "Nightbreed"])
  • Jacqueline West:  ("The Books Of Elsewhere")

The Call of Cuthulu
H.P. Lovecraft

[Artist: Andrée Wallin for removal of the artists copyrighted work email the blogger ]


  • Francis Bacon
  • Roberto Matta
  • Salvidor Dali
  • Bert Dali Seabourn (from Oklahoma) 
  • Steven R. Gilmore

Francis Bacon

Roberto Matta

Bacchanale Swan
(Swan Ballet)
Salvidor Dali

Skinny Puppy : Remission
Steven R. Gilmore

Bert Seabourn

(Abstract Buffalo [exact title not known])

(I actually have a real print of this from back when there was a tiny local artists shop in "50 Penn Place" in Oklahoma City)
[This picture has been used as a method of "advertising" the work of Bert Seabourn but I have not been given permission to post it. If the owners of the copyright and/or his family so desire I will delete it ]

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