Thursday, January 18, 2024


Early Boba Fett Designs from the Nelvana Cartoon from the almost freakish "Star Wars Holiday Special" 

(This is the first time in "Star Wars" history that we see Boba Fett, who pretends to be a friend to the heroes, but later secretly checks in with Darth Vader)

Nelvana is the Animation Company that did the "Holiday" cartoon as well as the entire series of "Droids." They also created the criminally underrated film "Rock & Rule."

Early "mock up" (built from scratch) version of Boba Fett from the never executed mail in offer.

Notice in the following pics how he looks almost nothing like the final figure sculpt and has the infamous [never released (that goes out to the conspiracy fringe) "rocket firing jet pack")

Original mail in offer on back of card.
(Most of them had a black and gold sticker placed over that section. But it was very easy to peel away [slowly] without damaging the image.)

The original prototype with both forearm guards yellow, and the rounded rocket cone.

The "original" infamous firing jet pack.

Hobbyist Personal Remake

Fan made "one off" by hobbyist (note colors different from each other on the forearms' weapons [red and yellow] and the shape of the rocket cone compared to the original with both forearms yellow and rounded rocket cone.)

Fan made "one off" by hobbyist (note colors different from each other on the forearms' weapons [red and yellow] and the shape of the rocket cone compared to the original rounded rocket cone.)

Another scene from the Nelvana "Holiday Special" cartoon.

--shh, don't tell anyone the link below is here--

Below is a link to the entire cartoon:
(P.S. In the middle it switches back to live action where the little Wookie is dealing with an Empire Soldier. 
This is very short, however
You have to keep watching to see the rest of the cartoon.)

Click here:

Click here and a big blue http link will appear 
[different from the one posted above] 
then click on that link 
it will open a page with a "redirect notice" 
click on the top most link
THEN the freaking cartoon will finally play!!!

(I'm gonna have to find a way to streamline this crap)
(not sure why this is so difficult.)

Poster for Nelvana's "Rock & Rule"

Original movie trailer:

Bonus Photo:

Polaroid from Christmas 1978

12" Boba Fett, and "normal sized" Boba Fett standing in my remote control Sand Crawler.

My parents always went all out for ChristmasThey got me tons of stuff each year. I never had one single Christmas where I wasn't in pure joy over my haul.

(The old, blurry, and cracked polaroid looks so ancient, and then I remember that was 46 years ago!)


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