Sunday, February 4, 2024

[SHORT] Notes / Essay on a mild psychotic episode cause by a Video Game by Philip Haggard Berry


Notes / Essay on a mild psychotic episode cause by a Video Game by Philip Haggard Berry

 Encoded into the video game was a kind of "harmonic resonance" in both the visuals and the sounds, but in particular in the soundtrack music. This harmonic ressonance opened up the gateway between the two concurrent dimensions of earth and hell and allowed one to "cross over" but still have one foot in this dimension and one foot in the concurrent hell dimension so that I still existed adn could be seen and heard in the normal world, but I could see and hear and feel things that were in the other dimension that others could not.

I could see holy or unholy places where energy or magic collected. I could tell when a person was really a human or was a mutation or a fallen one.

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