Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Skinny Puppy "Worlock" official "x" video (now called "NC-17)

It may take 3 clicks to get the video to play. You also may have to click the "unmute" button on the video screen to hear sound. But it will eventually begin.
My apologies for this irritation.

Skinny Puppy
Official Video
1990 from the album "Rabies"

The images in this video ARE NOT REAL.
Please keep in mind all video and imagery in this music video is a collection of artificial special effects from scenes in established fictional movies that were deemed by the MPAA as crossing the ratings line from "R" to "X" until anti-censorship groups successfully brought about the replacement of the rating "X" to instead "NC 17" for films which depict FAKE images of violence that would otherwise be rejected by the MPAA which rated it followed by the motion picture company which produced the film so that they could sell tickets under an "R" rating.


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Video scene from Jacob's Ladder "The Hospital Sequence"

It may take 3 clicks to get the video to play. You also may have to click the "unmute" button on the video screen to hear sound. But it will eventually begin.
My apologies for this irritation.

Excerpt From:
"Jacob's Ladder" 
(The Hospital Scene)
--Tears For Fears

This sequence defies description. On the one hand it's both horrifying and disgusting. 
On the other hand, it's like watching a 3-dimensional moving Francis Bacon painting. 
Bacon painted people and animals as mutated into bizarre shapes, and sometimes there was violence and blood involved. But because these were "art" or "paintings' by an established and well known and respected artist, there was no furor over their release.
So my experience of this sequence is the same as looking at a Francis Bacon painting. It's disturbing, but compelling at the same time. "The beauty of decay." The beauty of atrocity.

I might have to put this warning on several posts: The images in this video are FAKE movie special effects. NOT REAL.


Master Bedroom Andrew Wyeth

Master Bedroom by Andrew Wyeth 1965

(Another favorite of mine.)

Sunday, February 4, 2024

[SHORT] Notes / Essay on a mild psychotic episode cause by a Video Game by Philip Haggard Berry


Notes / Essay on a mild psychotic episode cause by a Video Game by Philip Haggard Berry

[POEM] Old Year by Philip Haggard Berry

[Writing Sketches] for the unfinished novel "The Sound Of Silence" by Philip Haggard Berry

Silence and Calm

(The Angel Of Death)

Statue: Artist and Date not currently unknown.


Notes / sketches for the unfinished novel 

"The Sound of Silence" 

by Philip Haggard Berry

[POEM] To The Dead We Give Breath by Philip Haggard Berry


Jesus raising Lazarus from the Dead.

[POEM] Contemplations Before Dawn by Philip Haggard Berry

Downtown Austin Texas at Dawn

[SHORT STORY (Very short) Based Upon a Real Dream] A Dream of Crickets by Philip Haggard Berry

The Haunted Hammerly House (Chickisha OK)


The Haunted Hamerly House 
of Chickasha Oklahoma
(c. early 70's)

Friday, February 2, 2024

My most favorite painting. Francis Bacon. "Man With Dog" (a.k.a. Man With Beast a.k.a. Mann Mit Hund <- German)

 Francis Bacon

Man With Dog

Family Tree

Researched, compiled, and constructed by my sister Holly 

Move image with thumb from right side of screen to the left to see the other boxes.

Sorry about the ones that got wet. It's pretty frustrating.

The Berry and Haggard Family Tree
The 4 generations before me.

(Unfortunate Unknown Water Damage [I need a new copy])

Romulus Thaddeus Payne

Not entirely sure who's headstone this is. It clearly says "Romulus Payne" 
But the date of death is wrong (1924 on the stone and 1956 according to records.)
Also, I can't find it now, but last year I came across my great grandfather R. T. Payne's headstone in a Muskogee OK cemetery right where it should be. It was very plain and laying on the ground.
But it seems like a strange chance that someone else would be named Romulus Payne. 
Like one in a billion.

My great grandfather on my father's mother's side: Romulus Thaddeus Payne

Grandmother, my father's mother: Juanita Alma (Payne) Berry ("Mammy") (deceased)

My Father's Father: Max Bright Berry Sr. ("Dandy") (deceased)

My father: Max Bright Berry Jr. (deceased)

a.k.a. The Reverend Max Bright Berry Jr.  (or Right Reverend Doctor)
[Ltc. U.S.C.G. B.A. M.A. Ph.D.] Leutinet Commander United States Coast Guard.
(Also) Father Berry
A Priest In The Episcopal Church

His sister and brother:
Sally Berry (-Partner and Children Incomplete)
Mike Berry (-Wife and Children Incomplete)

My Mother:
Carole Anne (Haggard) Berry ("Coco")
(Siblings -Incomplete)

My Mother's Father:
Paul Noel Haggard Sr. ("PaPa") (deceased)
Mother's Mother:
Mildred Wilma (Kline) Haggard (possibly from Von Kleinfelter) ("MiMi") (deceased)
(also Von Zinsmeister)

My siblings:
Holly Berry (husband: Rick [Last Name -Incomplete])
Charles Aaron Berry (deceased)
Nicholas Steven Berry (wife: Jennifer  [Maiden Name -Incomplete])

My Name: Philip Haggard Berry (a.k.a. "Pipi," "Phurlip," "Spike," "Phillipe" occasionally "Phil" original Greek: Philippos)
(Named after my late uncle Philip Haggard  [Middle Name -Incomplete]) 

Nieces and Nephews:
Jeremy ( [Last Name -Incomplete](son of Charles Berry)

Alexander (Alex) (son of Nicholas and Jennifer Berry)
Emily (daughter of Nicholas and Jennifer Berry)